Supporting Midwifery Associations

We are proud to be supported by the below 10 European and National Midwifery associations:

Hellenic Midwives Association
Belgian Midwives Association
Independent Midwives Association (AMI) of Romania
Spanish Association of Midwives
Austrian Midwives Association
Catalonia Association of Homebirth Midwives (ALPAC)
Royal Dutch Organisation of Midwives (KNOV)
German Society for Midwifery Science
Lithuanian Midwives Union
Czech Midwives Association
European Midwives Association

Interested in supporting the journal?
There are no fees associated with supporting the journal, supporting organisations must simply be dedicated midwifery associations that wish to support the academic development of midwifery as a science and practice. In exchange the European Journal of Midwifery provides a platform for the dissemination of relative letters and editorials related to the development of midwifery practice and science at the national level. To express interest, please contact the Editorial Team.
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