Aim & Scope

The European Journal of Midwifery is an open access and double-blind peer-reviewed scientific journal, that encompasses all aspects of the practice of midwifery, especially focused on midwifery research, support, care and advice during pregnancy, labour and the postpartum period. The overall aim of the journal is to foster, promote and disseminate research involving midwifery education and clinical practice. While the journal is European, it warmly welcomes and publishes submissions and content from all over the world, linking the global community.

Full Journal Title: European Journal of Midwifery
Abbreviated Title: Eur J Midwifery
ISSN (electronic): 2585-2906
Publisher: European Publishing
Publisher Address: Science and Technology Park of Crete
Association: Under the auspices of the 14 European Midwifery Associations
Editors: See our Editorial Board page
Peer Review: Double Blind
Publication Frequency: Continuous - grouped into monthly issues
Publication Medium: Electronic Only
Publication website:
First Year Published: 2017

Interested in supporting the journal?
There are no fees associated with supporting the journal, supporting organisations must simply be dedicated midwifery associations that wish to support the academic development of midwifery as a science and practice.







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