Pregnant women’s knowledge levels on nutrition and effect of nutritional education on their anthropometric measurements and newborn health
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Department of Public Health Nursing, University of Amasya, Amasya, Turkey
Department of Midwifery, University of Amasya, Amasya, Turkey
Publication date: 2023-10-24
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Duygu Murat Öztürk   

Department of Midwifery, University of Amasya, Amasya, Turkey
Eur J Midwifery 2023;7(Supplement 1):A131
A healthy-balanced diet and adequate energy intake during pregnancy prevent many diseases and complaints in mother during pregnancy, while ensuring physical and mental growth and development of the fetus. This research aims to analyze nutritional levels of pregnant women registered to family health centers in Amasya city center in Turkey with the Nutrition Information System (BeBIS 8.0) software, a valid and reliable one, and to evaluate effects of nutrition training given according to analysis results and Turkey Nutrition Guide on anthropometric measurements of pregnant women and newborn health.

Material and Methods:
This research is in experimental design type with pretest posttest control group and repeated measurement (3rd month and postpartum). The research was consisted of 20 in the experimental group and 16 in the control group. Data of the research were collected with a participant information form which includes questions about socio-demographic data of pregnant women, risk assessment and anthropometric measurements form, and daily nutrition record form. According to the results of the analysis and according to Turkey Nutrition Guide, both individual nutritional training was given to the pregnant women in the experimental group and a nutritional recommendation list including the foods they should consume and their amounts was given. In this research, Static Package for Social Science for Windows (SPSS 21.0) was used to resolve, investigate and analyze the data. Mann Whitney U test and Chi square test were used for categorical data, since it did not show normal distribution in the evaluation between groups.

The mean age of all participants was 26.44±5.39 years. It was determined that the mean BMI of the participants was 24.07±4.37, and the mean weight gain was 14.91±6.18 during pregnancy. In the research, no difference was found between the groups in terms of total weight gained during pregnancy, newborn birth weight, delivery type and ideal weight to be gained during pregnancy according to BMI. A statistically significant correlation was found between having problems in the postpartum period and weight gain according to BMI (p=0.04). It was determined that 87.5% of those who had problems gained less or more weight during pregnancy. A statistically significant relationship was found between the state of having problems in the postpartum period and the type of delivery (p=0.02). All those who had problems gave birth by cesarean section.

It was determined that adequate and balanced nutrition during pregnancy is important for both mother and fetus. Changes were observed in the dietary habits of the women in the intervention group. Nutrition and activities should be monitored at more frequent intervals throughout the entire pregnancy.

There is no conflict of interest between the authors.
There is no funding for this research.
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