Perceived well-being factors of student midwives at the Midwifery Academy Amsterdam Groningen
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Midwifery Academy Amsterdam Groningen, InHolland, Groningen, the Netherlands
Department of Primary Care & Elderly Care Medicine, University Medical Center Groningen, University of Groningen, Groningen, the Netherlands
Midwifery Science, Amsterdam UMC location Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Amsterdam, the Netherlands
Publication date: 2023-10-24
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Loïs R Heerema   

Midwifery Academy Amsterdam Groningen, InHolland, Groningen, the Netherlands
Eur J Midwifery 2023;7(Supplement 1):A180
From the first year of midwifery training, students are confronted with unique life experiences, labour pain and, in some cases, confrontation with death. Dealing with these emotions can affect the well-being of student midwives. International research shows that health care students are exposed to more academic, clinical and psychosocial stressors than students in other professions. In various countries similar factors are identified as either promoting or inhibiting the well-being of student midwives. As the Dutch maternity care system is quite unique, with most midwives in the Netherlands working independently in a primary care setting, it cannot be assumed that Dutch student midwives experience the same factors as other student midwives. This study was conducted due to the lack of research on study demands, study resources, personal demands and personal resources among Dutch student midwives. The aim of this research is to explore the perceived well-being factors of Dutch student midwives. This is based on the following research question: Which factors do student midwives at the Midwifery Academy Amsterdam Groningen perceive influencing on their well-being?

Material and Methods:
An exploratory qualitative research design was used. Midwifery students from each academic year at the two sites were asked to participate in this study. Data were collected through seven semi-structured individual interviews and two focus groups (n=13). Thematic content analysis was carried out using Maxqda 2022. Approval from an ethical review board was not required for this type of research in the Netherlands.

Results were grouped into four themes based on the JD-R model. Factors that emerged as study demands were: high study load, being away from home during placements, not getting a chance to breathe, relationship with placement supervisors, relationship with fellow students and constantly being on call. Factors that emerged as study resources were: relationship with lecturers, small academy, relationship with internship supervisors and relationship with fellow students. Factors that emerged as personal demands were: high personal standards and loneliness. Having a positive attitude towards the midwifery profession emerged as a personal resource.

There is an imbalance between study demands and study resources among student midwives at the Midwifery Academy Amsterdam Groningen. This imbalance is mainly reflected in the organisational and social study demands. By creating more space in the curriculum and making placement supervisors aware of their influence on student midwives, their well-being can be improved. This will provide the students with more resilience to thrive as future midwives.
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