Improving the cultural competence of midwifery students: an evaluative study
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Midwifery Department, İçel Health School, Mersin University, Mersin, Turkey
Midwifery Department, Faculty of Health Sciences, Kahramanmaraş Sütçü İmam University, Kahramanmaraş, Turkey
Publication date: 2023-10-24
Corresponding author
Sevil Güner   

Midwifery Department, İçel Health School, Mersin University, Mersin, Turkey
Eur J Midwifery 2023;7(Supplement 1):A54
Recently, due to the increasing number of multicultural societies around the world, culturally competent healthcare services have taken their place on the agenda. The quality of intercultural care provided in perinatal processes has a significant impact on the health of both mother and child. It is of great importance for midwives to gain proficiency in providing intercultural health care since their student years in order to increase the quality of health care services. In this context, the "Transcultural Midwifery" course has been added to the midwifery curriculum in Turkey in recent years and is carried out as a two-hour elective course. This study, it is aimed to evaluate the "intercultural midwifery course" given on the basis of Bacote's Cultural Competence Model in the midwifery department located in a province with a high immigrant population in the south of Turkey, in line with student opinions.

Material and Methods:
This study was conducted as a qualitative case study. The sample of the research consists of 27 midwifery students who took a total of 28 hours of the "Transcultural Midwifery" course in the fall semester of 2022-2023. Ethical approval was obtained from the ethics committee of the university. First, the statements in a one-question case form before the lesson were evaluated as a data collection tool in order to determine the cultural competence levels of the students (anonymous-nick name forms). At the end of the semester, a four-question semi-structured form was used to reveal their evaluations of the course. Content analysis technique was used in data analysis. The data were coded separately by two researchers and the themes were compared. After the identification of the themes and sub-themes agreed upon by the researchers, the expressions of which the themes were chosen were selected and the relevant literature was compared.

Participants in the study consisted of 27 midwife third-grade students who filled out the forms completely. The answers given by the students in the pre-test case analysis mostly contain expressions at the level of "cultural destructiveness, cultural blindness, and cultural inadequacy". According to the findings obtained from the post-test, as a result of the students' feedback, two main themes and five sub-themes were reached: "the transformation of the student's perception of cultural competence" and "opinions about the course". The data obtained at the end of the study show that the students show improvement in the level of cultural competence, and they think that this course should be made compulsory and that all midwifery education should be culture-based.

The "Transcultural Midwifery" course given within the scope of the Cultural Competence Model has been effective in improving the cultural competence levels of midwifery students. As in the rest of the world, it has been concluded that the midwifery curriculum should be revised in this context in order to raise a culturally competent midwives in Turkey, whose multicultural structure has become increasingly complex with the increase in the immigrant population in recent years. Integrating this course, which is carried out as a theoretical course, into all courses, and midwifery educators developing their own competencies by participating in workshops and trainings in this context will contribute greatly to the training of midwives with cultural competence.
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