Learning innovative expertise through business cooperation
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Department of Health Promotion, Metropolia University of Applied Sciences, Helsinki, Finland
Publication date: 2023-10-24
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Sanna-Mari Manninen   

Department of Health Promotion, Metropolia University of Applied Sciences, Helsinki, Finland
Eur J Midwifery 2023;7(Supplement 1):A23
Today, higher education must provide a wide range of competences in the development of sectoral expertise and skills, but also in generic skills, such as critical thinking, problem-solving, evaluation of information sources, reasoning, interaction skills, and writing. In the Multidisciplinary innovation project studies in Metropolia University of Applied Sciences, students meet their fellow students from different fields of study and together they are given different challenges from working life e.g., through business cooperation, to solve. The aim is that after completing the course, the students are able to utilize their competence in developing innovative solutions, operating methods, products or services with multidisciplinary actors that respond to the diverse needs and current challenges of the future.

Material and Methods:
Twenty-two Metropolia’s students of midwifery, nursing, radiology, physiotherapy, social services and biomedical laboratory technologists, received the project challenge by Metropolia’s working life partner Siemens Healthineers. The challenge was to organize an event for the company’s personnel in the Nordic and Baltic countries with the theme of inclusivity and diversity in the work community. The event was designed to be hybrid, so it could be followed both on Metropolia’s Myllypuro campus and remotely via Zoom.

Almost 100 Siemens Healthineers’ employees participated to the Diversity Day event. The event was successful and rewarding in terms of content and arrangements. Feedback was collected from those participating to the event and almost all of the respondents, 93.1%, found the event interesting and meaningful. The majority, 83.8%, felt that the program met their expectations and the majority, 76.8%, also felt that they had gained new tools for the daily encounter with diversity. The students were also very satisfied with the event and the Multidisciplinary innovation project studies.

Multidisciplinary innovation project studies promote and strengthen students’ working life skills and competence needed in today’s world.

None of the authors have any conflicts of interest relating to this abstract.
There is no funding for this research.
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