Evalution of the simulation-based interprofessional emergency obstetric team training program given to midwifery and first and emergency students
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Department of Midwifery, University of Amasya, Amasya, Turkey
Department of Obstetric and Gynecology Nursing, University of Hacettepe, Ankara, Turkey
Publication date: 2023-10-24
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Duygu Murat Öztürk   

Department of Midwifery, University of Amasya, Amasya, Turkey
Eur J Midwifery 2023;7(Supplement 1):A56
This research was conducted using a quasi-experimental design to evaluate simulation-based interprofessional emergency obstetric team training programme given to midwifery and first and emergency aid students.

Material and Methods:
Sample of the research consisted of 36 students studying in the 4th grade of Amasya University Faculty of Health Sciences, Department of Midwifery and 34 students studying in the 2nd grade of Sabuncuoğlu Şerefeddin Vocational School of Health Services, Department of Medical Services and Techniques, First and Emergency Aid Programme in the spring semester of 2021-2022 academic year. A simulation-based interprofessional emergency obstetric team training programme including theoretical education and standard patient applications was developed within the scope of the research. In line with this training programme, students were given a theoretical training of 3 hours and 10 minutes on obstetric emergencies. After the theoretical training, a total of 17 groups were formed with three midwifery and two first and emergency aid students in two groups and two midwifery and two first and emergency aid students in 15 groups. During two and a half days of standardised patient practice, each group was exposed to preeclampsia and postpartum haemorrhage scenarios. Data were collected using the Descriptive Information Form, Readiness for Interprofessional Learning Scale, Student Satisfaction and Self-Confidence in Learning Questionnaire, Simulation Design Scale, and Educational Practices Questionnaire.

Mean score of the Student Satisfaction and Self-Confidence in Learning Questionnaire was 56.41±7.92, that of the Simulation Design Scale was 93.74±6.58 and of the Educational Practices Questionnaire was 76.45±5.00. There was a significant increase in the mean score of students' readiness for interprofessional learning (p=0.00) at the end of the training (Table 1).

In line with the data gathered through the research, it was determined that cooperative learning experiences led to an increase in students' readiness levels for interprofessional learning. In this direction, it is recommended that simulation-based interprofessional cooperation training programmes should be integrated into the curriculum.
This research was produced from the Master thesis at Hacettepe University Institute of Health Sciences Department of Simulation in Health Sciences.
There is no conflict of interest between the authors.
There is no funding for this research.
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