The knowledge of correlation of pelvic floor disorders with maternal and obstetrics characteristics, overtime
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Midwifery Department, University of West Attica, Athens, Greece
Publication date: 2023-10-24
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Giannoula A Kyrkou   

Midwifery Department, University of West Attica, Athens, Greece
Eur J Midwifery 2023;7(Supplement 1):A88
Pelvic floor dysfunction with symptoms such as urinary and fecal incontinence, pelvic organ prolapse, perineal pain and sexual disabilities affects millions of women worldwide1. A large number of these women undergo corrective surgery with significant implications for them, both personally and financially2. In the USA approximately 400,000 women undergo surgery to repair pelvic floor dysfunctions, annually3. It has been found that in 2050, the percentage of surgical interventions to repair pelvic floor dysfunctions is expected to be increased by 50%4. In the possibility of urinary incontinence and pelvic organ prolapse childbirth is reported as the most frequent causative factor, although during pregnancy it occurs in a percentage of 44%5. It is argued that urinary incontinence is related to both hormonal and mechanical changes that occur in the body during pregnancy6. It is reported that the prevalence of postpartum urinary incontinence ranges from 18% to 34%7 and can reach 56% with a progressive reduction within six months after birth8. According to studies, pelvic floor dysfunctions are a major public health problem that could have socioeconomic ramifications and could lead to social withdrawal, affecting women’ s quality of life9.

The purpose of this review is to identify maternal, pregnancy related factors and obstetrics characteristics which are associated with the progress of pelvic floor disorders after childbirth.

Material and Methods:
Literature related to the subject was found through the following electronic databases: Pubmed / Medline and Google Scholar. The Pubmed / Medline database and Google Scholar searched for articles / publications in English. The selection criteria of the bibliography were the relevance to the subject of the study, the time of publication, the language and the accessibility of each article. The excluding criteria were the lack of relevance to the subject as well as the inability to get access.

Pelvic organ prolapse, urinary and anal incontinence are the main identified disorders postpartum10 (Hou et al 2022). Muscles injuries from pregnancy and delivery may alter pelvic floor function. The pathophysiological mechanism of the alteration may be associated with pregnancy itself11. Pregnancy and vaginal birth are the most well documented risk factors for pelvic dysfunction. However, cesarean section is not harmless. The function of the pelvic floor and morbidity is burdened by the surgery itself1. Pelvic floor disorders increase with increasing parity. Nevertheless, muscle training may help to prevent pelvic symptoms postpartum12.

Basic knowledge of pelvic floor disorders by women would reduce the prevalence of disease, significantly. This would greatly improve the healthcare costs of the countries and would have a positive influence on the general self-esteem of women3. Educating healthcare professionals and informing women about preventive care of the genitourinary system would facilitate the minimization of disease symptoms and would improve the possibilities of therapy13.
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Lin YH, Chang SD, Hsieh WC, et al. Persistent stress urinary incontinence during pregnancy and one year after delivery; its prevalence, risk factors and impact on quality of life in Taiwanese women: An observational cohort study. Taiwan J Obstet Gynecol. 2018;57(3):340-345. doi:10.1016/j.tjog.2018.04.003
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Bertacini DMM, Beleza ACS, Driusso P. The effect of parity on the function of pelvic floor musculature in the long term: cross-sectional study. Obstet Gynecol Sci. 2020;63(5):577-585. doi:10.5468/ogs.19236
Romeikienė KE, Bartkevičienė D. Pelvic-Floor Dysfunction Prevention in Prepartum and Postpartum Periods. Medicina (Kaunas). 2021;57(4):387. doi:10.3390/medicina57040387
Fante JF, Silva TD, Mateus-Vasconcelos ECL, Ferreira CHJ, Brito LGO. Do Women have Adequate Knowledge about Pelvic Floor Dysfunctions? A Systematic Review. Será que as mulheres têm conhecimento adequado sobre as disfunções do assoalho pélvico? Uma revisão sistemática. Rev Bras Ginecol Obstet. 2019;41(8):508-519. doi:10.1055/s-0039-1695002
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