Simulation applications in midwifery education
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Department of Delivery Room, Suluova State Hospital, Amasya, Turkey
Department of Midwifery, University of Amasya, Amasya, Turkey
Publication date: 2023-10-24
Corresponding author
Ebrar Hacköylü   

Department of Delivery Room, Suluova State Hospital, Amasya, Turkey
Duygu Murat Öztürk   

Department of Midwifery, University of Amasya, Amasya, Turkey
Eur J Midwifery 2023;7(Supplement 1):A154
Midwifery education consists of theoretical and clinical applications1. Midwifery students may have difficulties, especially in clinical practice. For a student going into clinical practice for the first time, this environment can be stressful and difficult, which can affect the student's learning2. Considering this situation of midwifery students, it should be ensured that the education of midwifery students is provided with tools that will help manage and solve emergency and stressful situations in the clinic3. In line with the developments in technology today, various methods have been developed for people to be more effective in their fields. Simulation application comes first among these learning methods4. Simulation education is a learning method that is carried out similarly to the clinical environment of people who receive education in the field of health, and contributes to the acquisition of knowledge and skills by students5. Use of simulation techniques by midwifery students; it provides benefits such as improving dexterity, reducing anxiety and stress in the clinic, providing a safe environment, and reducing the risk of lawsuits6. Simulation education is a strong evidence-based learning method in the health field7,8. There are many studies in the literature showing the benefits of using simulation in midwifery education. In the study in which midwifery students' opinions were evaluated after the computer simulation application, it was seen that the students found this application close to reality, exciting, reducing fears, effective and productive9. In a study evaluating the satisfaction and self-confidence of midwifery students of normal and risky birth simulation applications, it was found that most of the students found the simulation training beneficial, and there was a statistically significant difference between their learning satisfaction and self-confidence scores10. In the study, in which the effect of a fully equipped birth simulation system on students' academic success and problem solving abilities was evaluated, it was observed that students understood care and treatments better after simulation training, and there was a significant difference when pre-test and post-tests were compared11. As a result, when we look at the studies on simulation education, we see that it has benefits on midwifery education. The purpose of this review is to raise awareness by emphasizing the importance of simulation applications in midwifery education.
There is no conflict of interest between the authors.
There is no funding for this research.
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