Perinatal, Paternal and Child Mental Health (PPCMH) to promote sound mental health and wellbeing across the life course
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Society for Pre and Post Natal Services, Harare, Zimbabwe
Publication date: 2023-10-24
Corresponding author
Linos Muvhu   

Society for Pre and Post Natal Services, Harare, Zimbabwe
Eur J Midwifery 2023;7(Supplement 1):A141
Background and Rationale:
Maternal mental health is an emerging area of interest as a rapidly growing body of evidence reveals both the significance and global burden of common perinatal mental health challenges and the direct and indirect links between mental health issues and maternal and child morbidity and mortality, warranting a whole family based approach to care. There are huge economic and human costs attached to a global failure to take action (Global Alliance for Maternal Mental Health, 2018).

All mothers, fathers and children across Zimbabwe to have equitable access to comprehensive, highquality PPCMH care.

SPANS is proud to be working with the Ministry of health and child care (MoHCC) through training of Family Mental Health Therapists. This abstract comes into force to address.

An Intervention Deficit:
This is a result of lack of trained Family Mental Health Therapists at primary health care facilities to conduct the early identification, follow-up or home visits, referral and link between services providers through a multidisciplinary team. The starting point for identifying possible PPCMH issues is through identification.

PPCMH Program aims to address undiagnosed and untreated Perinatal, Paternal and Child Mental Health problems which are a silent public health issue, a national health issue, human rights issue and is not a luxury, all women need sound mental health to contribute productive to their community and family, deserving national recognition and action to save lives.
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