How effective digital technologies in midwifery education
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Midwifery Department, Institute of Health Sciences, Amasya University, Amasya, Turkey
Midwifery Department, Faculty of Health Sciences, Amasya University, Amasya, Turkey
Publication date: 2023-10-24
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Hacer Tekeş   

Midwifery Department, Institute of Health Sciences, Amasya University, Amasya, Turkey
Eur J Midwifery 2023;7(Supplement 1):A149
Midwifery education is the basis of training midwives who are competent to provide quality care for women and newborns in the light of evidence-based and up-to-date knowledge. Global qualifications for midwifery education have defined benchmarks for building quality midwifery education and practice worldwide. ICM set an example for us by itemizing quality education programs and basic competency standards, with the midwifery education standards it revised in 2021. European Union's directives constitute the basic criteria for midwifery education for the European region. Today, with the advancing technology age, midwifery education has also benefited from these developments. Especially the students called Z generation prefer the convenience of technology in education. In this context, mobile learning has developed. The use of common social media applications among mobile learning methods has had a positive effect on professional learning. Similarly, the web-based distance education system is for students who cannot attend face-to-face classes; It has advantages such as providing access to information to large masses without time and place limitations, the opportunity to learn at their own learning pace, the opportunity to access information instantly and more easily, and reducing training costs. In the near future, it is predicted that distance education will become the main ground of education instead of an alternative or a support function in face-to-face learning. Although students think that web learning has advantages, there are also studies stating that they find web-based learning less effective when compared to traditional face-to-face learning. Virtual reality application is also used in order to strengthen the application aspect of education. Approaches to simulation and the use of virtual reality can be beneficial for student midwives. While providing an environment for students to take control of their own learning, it provides an environment where they will be more confident in their abilities and to use their skills in a consistent and reliable way with the continuity of support in care. As a result of a systematic review, learning outcomes were found to be equal when traditional education methods and virtual reality applications were compared. Positive results have been obtained in education in terms of learning and immersion. Apart from learning theoretical knowledge, midwifery is a section that includes skill practice. Web-based trainings are not sufficient in terms of skill practice. More adequate results will be obtained in training when practice training is supported by simulation programs that reflect the clinical environment, accompanied by realistic scenarios. The use of mobile technologies in the world is becoming increasingly widespread and the use of mobile technologies in education and training is increasing. It has been revealed that mobile technologies can have widespread educational potential. There are many positive aspects of using technology and digital applications in midwifery education. However, technical infrastructure and equipment deficiencies can create problems in accessing education. In addition, the fact that the technological diversity is high and the technological possibilities of each student are different can also cause digital seperation. The use of technology, especially for nursing and midwifery students who have practical training, has many benefits as well as threats.
The authors have no conflicts of interest to disclose.
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