Examination of the students' opinions and expectations on independent midwifery
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Department of Midwifery, Faculty of Health Sciences, Ege University, Izmir, Turkey
Publication date: 2023-10-24
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Zehra Baykal Akmese   

Department of Midwifery, Faculty of Health Sciences, Ege University, Izmir, Turkey
Eur J Midwifery 2023;7(Supplement 1):A40
The number of midwives who are independent midwives is increasing all over the world. In Turkey, however, the number of independent midwives is very limited and has just started to become popular. Therefore this research was applied to determine the opinions and expectations of midwifery students about the independent midwifery profession.

Material and Methods:
The population of the descriptive study consists of 463 midwifery students. The students were informed about the content of the study and their written consent was obtained. In collecting the data, the questionnaire form was distributed to the students and they were asked to fill in individually. In the analysis of the data obtained from the research, the number and percentage distributions for socio-demographic characteristics and the effect of independent variables on the dependent variable were evaluated with the chi-square test.

86.8% of the students stated that they knew about independent midwifery. 52.2% of these students learned from department activities and 38.5% from social media. 21.2% of the students think of doing independent midwifery, 34.4% of them want it in order to fulfill their independent midwifery roles. 82.7% of the students think that independent midwifery can be done in Turkey. 78.4% of the students think that independent midwives can use their professional autonomy/independent role. Lack of social awareness (27.4%) and failures in the implementation of legal regulations and health policies (26.0%) were stated to be the biggest obstacles to the execution of independent midwifery services.

Independent midwifery is among the career goals of students, and it can be considered to include this subject in the midwifery curriculum. In order to evaluate this issue more closely, it is considered important to make publications on the practice and legal aspects of independent midwifery.
To Dilber Gören and Mirac Caglayan, midwifery students who contributed to the collection of research data; we would like to thank all midwifery students who showed interest in the subject and answered the questions sincerely.
There is no conflict of interest between the authors.
No financial support was received from any person and/or institution during the study and the writing of the article.
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