Analysis of theses related to Virtual Reality in the field of midwifery: The case of Turkey
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Midwifery Department, Faculty of Health Sciences, Ağri Ibrahim Çeçen University, Turkey
Publication date: 2023-10-24
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Emine Serap Çağan   

Midwifery Department, Faculty of Health Sciences, Ağri Ibrahim Çeçen University, Turkey
Eur J Midwifery 2023;7(Supplement 1):A74
Virtual reality is a product of information technology that provides comprehensive access to information. Virtual reality, which has been in a constant change and development since its emergence, is being integrated into the real world industry day by day. Although it was initially considered as a technology for the entertainment industry, its application area has expanded in the last decade and has been used in various health fields such as pain treatment, physical rehabilitation, and psychiatric disorders. Today, the healthcare industry is a critical area where this technology is widely and effectively used. The use of virtual reality in the field of midwifery is very new. It is thought that studies showing how virtual reality technology is used in the field of midwifery and how it can be associated with this field will contribute to the literature. Therefore, in this study; It is aimed to analyze the theses about virtual reality in the field of midwifery, which is one of the most influential occupational groups in the health sector.

Material and Methods:
The study is a literature review study. The theses about virtual reality in the field of midwifery were reached from Turkey's thesis database "National Thesis Center of the Presidency of the Council of Higher Education".

As a result of the scanning, 11 theses about virtual reality were reached. 8 (73%) of the theses reached are doctoral; 3 (27) of them are at master's level. Theses were carried out between 2019 and 2022. When the thesis topics were examined, 27% were related to labor pain, 18% to attachment, 18% to episiotomy pain, and the other 36% to fetal development, delivery mechanism, newborn care, and pain management during pelvic examination. 63% (7) of my studies were conducted with pregnant women, 27% (3) with midwifery students and 10% (1) with women.

As a result of the study, it has been determined that the studies on virtual reality in Turkey have increased since 2019, and its use has increased especially in labor pain and midwifery education. In line with the findings obtained from the study, it is recommended to give more importance to the studies on virtual reality applications in the field of midwifery, both in the education of midwifery students, in the care of pregnant, puerperal, newborn, and pain management.
The authors have no conflicts of interest to disclose.
There is no funding for this research.
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