The effect of hypnobirthing classes with a gender-responsive approach to labor anxiety, pain, labor satisfaction at the Tembuni birth center, South Jakarta in 2023
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BumilPamil Indonesia, Jakarta, Indonesia
Publication date: 2023-10-24
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Jamilatus Sadiyah   

BumilPamil Indonesia, Jakarta, Indonesia
Eur J Midwifery 2023;7(Supplement 1):A96
Maternal mortality in Indonesia is still dominated by the three main causes of bleeding, hypertension, prolonged labor and infection during pregnancy1. Fear of childbirth is one of the main factors that can cause long labor. In Indonesia, the incidence of fear of childbirth reaches 373 million. Of these, 28.7% of them are anxiety that occurs in pregnant women before delivery (Ministry of Health of the Republic of Indonesia, 2017). The impact of fear of childbirth can be painful. The negative impact of fear of childbirth can hinder the physical condition of the mother in childbirth to function effectively, can increase heart rate and strain the muscles of the body so that it is often seen as a panic reaction. One of the causes of prolonged labour, aside from abnormalities in his, fetus, or birth canal, causes of these abnormalities are emotional factors in the form of fear and anxiety, as well as the effects of prolonged labor are intrapartum infections, uterine rupture, and musculoskeletal injuries. enabling pelvis can contribute to maternal mortality1 not only that fear of childbirth will make mothers choose elective SC, and studies say that high SC including elective SC choices can increase the risk of maternal death up to three times compared to vaginal delivery2. Fear of childbirth can also increase the risk of premature birth, low birth weight, and lower Apgar scores at birth3. The impact of labor anxiety can also cause higher labor pain, because the release of the hormone cortisol inhibits the release of endorphins (pain relievers). High labor pain will also have an impact on negative labor experiences. According to WHO guidelines, a positive birth experience is very important in labor. Maternal satisfaction is one of the service standards set by WHO to improve the quality of delivery services and to evaluate the organization of the Health Service System, this should be considered as one of the most relevant indicators in the field of midwifery3. Based on a preliminary study using the PRAQ-R2 questionnaire conducted by researchers at two maternity clinics, 8 out of 10 pregnant women have fear of childbirth with a high score at the Depok Jaya Birth Center, and 8 out of 11 mothers experienced fear of childbirth with a high score at Tembuni birth center, the results of the interview the mother felt worried about the pain of labor that would be felt, worried about the perineum tearing pain, worried about cutting the episiotomy, worried because she had heard stories of a traumatic birth, 4 out of 8 mothers who were worried about their delivery had thought of choosing SC surgery without medical indications. Hypno-birthing classes with a gender-responsive approach at the Tembuni birth center have been held since 2022. So far there has been no data or research on how hypno-birthing affects for fear of childbirth, labor pain scales, delivery satisfaction. On the basis of these problems, this study was conducted to determine the effect of Hypno-birthing on labor pain scores, fear of childbirth, and satisfaction scores of childbirth experience. It is hoped that the information obtained from the results of this study will not only contribute to the information available in relevant publications, but also contribute to the provision of services related to prenatal education and childbirth care.

This study aims to determine the effect of Hypno-birthing on the delivery process and outcomes.

This study was a quasi experimental quantitative research with a control group, with a non equivalent control group design approach, the population in the experimental group study was third trimester pregnant women who delivered vaginally and had attended the Hypno-birthing class at the maternity clinic as many as 30 people and control group Mothers who received standard care in hospital until delivery, which consisted of prenatal care for 25 to 30 minutes as many as 30 people.

Based on data analysis for labor anxiety using paired T test with sig = 0.000 <0.05, Labor pain scale with Mann-Whitney test 0.000 <0.005, Delivery satisfaction score using independent test sig value 0.000 <0.05, so there is an influence of hypno-birthing class with a gender-responsive approach to decreasing the anxiety scale of labor, reducing labor pain scores, and increasing delivery satisfaction.

There is a positive impact from hypnobirthing class with a gender-responsive approach to decreasing the anxiety scale of labour, reducing labour pain scores, and increasing Birth satisfaction.
The author declared no potential conflicts of interest with respect to the research, authorship, and/or publication of this article.
The author received no financial support for the research, authorship, and/or publication of this article.
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