How to make midwifery students understand the connection between scientific perspectives and research questions when writing assignments: Workshop as a method for teaching professional philosophy
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Department of midwifery, University College of Northern Denmark, Aalborg, Denmark
Health and Applied Technology research centre, University College of Northern Denmark, Aalborg, Denmark
Maternity ward at Regional Hospital of Viborg, Skive, Silkeborg, and Hammel, Neurorehabilitation and Research Centre, Viborg, Denmark
Publication date: 2023-10-24
Corresponding author
Ingrid Jepsen   

Department of midwifery, University College of Northern Denmark, Aalborg, Denmark
Eur J Midwifery 2023;7(Supplement 1):A211
In Denmark, we experience that midwifery students find it difficult to understand how research questions and scientific perspectives are related. To promote appreciation and understanding of how the scientific perspective is incorporated in the research questions and choice of methods, we have invented a workshop focusing on scientific perspectives and their influence on a specific chosen problem. In this workshop the students are actively participating working in groups with their chosen research question/problem. The students have been introduced to research methodology within humanity, natural- and social sciences before the workshop. This workshop has not been presented outside the midwifery department at UCN.

Material and Methods:
In the workshop the students work in groups of 3-4. Three teachers from humanity, natural- and social sciences facilitate the workshop. At the workshop day the students define a research question/problem that they want to focus on. Then they “carry around” the question/problem to three different workstations: Workstation 1 humanistic science Workstation 2 natural science Workstation 3 social sciences The workstations take place in three separate rooms, where a lecturer representing one of the three scientific perspectives is present. During the workshop a lecturer and two groups of students are present in each workshop at the same time. One of the groups starts presenting their question/problem and all students discuss how the scientific perspective represented in this room influences the chosen research question as well as methods. All groups visit all three workstations which means that their question/problem is subjected to all scientific perspectives. Afterwards they choose a specific scientific perspective and method to present for the whole class. Plan for doing the workshop at EMA • Three lecturers from UCN Denmark will lead the workshop. • The participants in the workshop are divided into six groups where each group get 20 minutes to develop a research question relevant for midwives. • Then we make three workstations in the room. In workstation1 one lecturer from UCN represents humanistic sciences, in workstation two one lecturer represents natural sciences and in workstation three one lecturer represents social sciences. • The lecturers from UCN make a rotation-plan for how the groups are going to circulate around the workstations. • In each workstation the research questions from the participants are discussed from the represented scientific perspective. • When all participants have visited the three workstations we have an evaluation of the workshop in common.

The students evaluate the workshop as very useful in beginning to understand how a scientific approach is related to and influences research questions and methods. Therefore, we want to share this teaching method with other lecturers. The result of the workshop is that other midwives/lecturers understand how we work with Professional Philosophy and inspire others to use this workshop as a teaching method.

We have found a way to facilitate the understanding of the importance of the connection between scientific approach, research question and choice of methods.
The authors have no conflicts of interest to disclose.
There is no funding for this research.
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